Working at

Dewulf develops and produces high-quality agricultural machinery that helps farmers worldwide efficiently cultivate potatoes and root crops. They stand for innovation, quality, and sustainability in the agricultural sector.


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About Dewulf

Dewulf is a leading producer of agricultural machinery, specializing in the design and production of machines for planting, harvesting, and processing potatoes and root crops. With over 70 years of experience and a strong focus on innovation and customer orientation, Dewulf offers reliable and efficient solutions that meet the highest quality standards.

Working at Dewulf

Working at Dewulf means contributing to the future of agriculture. Their mission is to contribute to a sustainable and efficient agricultural sector through technological innovation. They offer a dynamic and challenging work environment where personal growth and development are central. At Dewulf, they are committed to a culture of collaboration, innovation, and customer focus.

For all your questions

Yes! That’s exactly what you get. This means you will continue to receive your salary even if there is no work. Additionally, having a permanent contract makes it easier to get a mortgage and significantly reduces the risk of being laid off. If you have a permanent contract with Yes, the client you work for through Yes will also offer you a permanent contract upon taking you over. This is required due to successive employment.

Good question. Firstly, Yes is a great choice because you get a permanent contract right away. But that’s not all. We care a lot about your development, even in the long term. We don’t just say it, we do it! This way, you can continue to grow.

Additionally, we help you make choices. We understand that there are many vacancies and opportunities for tech professionals in the current market. But which company is truly the right fit for you? In which culture do you feel comfortable? Does the position align well with your ambitions? You also have your own preferences, such as your salary. But is that feasible? Or are you aiming too low?

At Yes, we know the companies in your region and can tell you all about them. Based on your ambitions and preferences, we search for and create the perfect match, sometimes even with companies that don’t have an open vacancy. We can create these opportunities based on your experience, ambition, and desires.

Through Yes, you will never earn less; we pay at least the same or even more than if you got the job on your own. When you are seconded to a company with the intention of later becoming a permanent employee there, we look at the client’s salary structure. The salary is then determined in consultation with the client and you. You will be valued at least the same as your colleagues, even if you are working through Yes.

Als je werkt bij een opdrachtgever met de bedoeling dat je er na je detacheringsperiode in dienst gaat, dan hanteren wij op de volgende onderdelen de CAO van de opdrachtgever:

  • Salaris
  • Vakantiedagen
  • Reiskostenvergoeding
  • (Lease)auto
  • Overwerkpercentages

Indien van toepassingen nemen we ook zaken als adv-dagen, een eindejaarsuitkering of een 13de maand over. Dit is wettelijk verplicht en dit wordt ook gecheckt met de NEN4400-certificering, waarbij je als detacheerder een SNA-keurmerk ontvangt. Uiteraard hebben wij deze.

Daarnaast volgen wij voor andere zaken de NBBU CAO. Iedereen krijgt bij Yes een volwaardig arbeidscontract, waarmee we je bij ziekte 100% doorbetalen en direct pensioen opbouwt. Alles goed geregeld, dat is Yes!